Cycle 2

Floral Business

Start your floral brand with the career course on the market. In-person classes for next generation designers.

Floral Business
A week to delve into your floral project or how to start in the flower business. Acquire the key tools to enhance your brand with a professional coach. 

Learn to design for hotels, restaurants and offices, and develop the skills required in this sector.

You will visit the top flower shops in Madrid. Owners will discuss what it's like to run a retail shop. They will tell us about the day-to-day running of the business and the relationship with suppliers and customers.


Get to know 4 business models in depth
On-site visit to 4 different business project concepts.

How does it work? How do I sell?
Logistics, transport, and suppliers - Specific management programs - Personnel management - Digital marketing: PR, press, newsletter, SEO, ADS

Working with hotels
Introduction to floral design with hotels - Exercise for large and small hotel arrangements

Exercise structure, anatomy, and design of a terrarium

Floral wreath
Introduction to funeral art - Exercise to create a wreath (key to the floral business)

Undertake your floral project · Business projects
Business Plan - Presentation of business projects

April 8 to 12
June 10 to 14
September 9 to 13
November 11 to 15

Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm

25 hours of hands-on classes
Flowers, materials, and tools

2024 INVESTMENT 1890
450€ enrollment fee (non-refundable)
Balance: 7 days before the start of the course

Credit Card
Create a profile on our website (icon at the top right) and then you will be able to make the payment on the chosen date.

Bank Transfer

Madrid Flower School S.L.
IBAN ES50 0081 1536 4500 0147 1750 · BIC BSABESBB
Send a copy of the deposit to indicating the date and course paid.

Write us at and we will send you the link.

7 days before the start of the course

MADRID FLOWER SCHOOL reserves the right to modify or suspend courses for any reason it deems appropriate. In such circumstances, students will be notified one week in advance. Classes are personal and non-transferable. Reservations are non-refundable. To qualify for the MFS Floral Designer Certificate 85% attendance is required.
