Cycle 1


What flower lovers have been waiting for. Your first step to becoming a professional florist.
Our first Cycle is intended for those committed to starting in the floral design industry and welcomes beginners who have a passion for flowers and want to expand their knowledge. 

You'll learn flower cleaning and treatment techniques and master the florist's knife. You'll develop skills in designing bouquets for vases and handheld arrangements, both small and large scale, across various styles. You'll also cover basic principles of Photography, Color Theory, and Composition. Additionally, designer Louise Worner from the Sogetsu School will conduct an Ikebana class. The week culminates with a floral installation project.

Day 1 • Initial designs. Let's get to work!
Introduction to MFS · Exercise with hard-stemmed flowers · Exercise with soft-stemmed flowers

Day 2 • Bouquet: A basic in two versions
Introduction to color theory · Spiral bouquet exercise · Garden Style bouquet exercise · Packaging

Day 3 • A day for Garden Style
Introduction to the iconic Constance Spry · Garden Style Centerpiece Exercise

Day 4 • Floral Photography • Ikebana Universe
 Introduction to Floral Photography with Milena Orlandi · Ikebana class with Louise Worner, Sogetsu School, Japan

Day 5 • Large-scale Installation
Demonstration of XL format installation · Exercise with chicken wire

September 2 to 6, 2024

November 4 to 8, 2024

February 4 to 8, 2025**
June 2 to 6, 2025
November 3 to 7, 2025 

*Please review the Cycle 1 November and 2025 Editions information here. We have made some minor changes for the upcoming year.

**Due to the Madrid Blooms congress, courses will run from Tuesday to Saturday that week.

Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm

25 hours of hands-on classes
Flowers, materials, and tools

Deposit: 350€ (reserve a place, non-refundable)
Total balance: 15 days before the Program begins.
There is an option to pay in full at once.


Credit Card & PayPal

You can create a profile on our website (icon at the top right) and then make the payment on the chosen date.

Bank Transfer

Madrid Flower School S.L.
IBAN ES50 0081 1536 4500 0147 1750 · BIC BSABESBB
Send a copy of the deposit to indicating the date and course paid.

7 days before the start of the course

MADRID FLOWER SCHOOL reserves the right to modify or cancel courses for any reason it deems appropriate. In such circumstances, students will be notified one week in advance. Classes are personal and non-transferable. No changes or refunds are accepted within ten days of the course start date. 
To receive the Certificate of Attendance for any Cycle of the Professional Program, you must attend at least 85% of the classes in that Cycle. Please review our Privacy Policy, Terms, and Conditions at the bottom of the page.