One Time Only!

The Crazy Edition

Delve into the world of floral design in this one off combination of our two most popular cycles. 
The Crazy Edition
One time only! 

In February 2024 we are bringing you a special edition of the Professional Program, which combines our two most popular cycles, Introduction to Floral Design and Creativity and Avant-Garde.
From mastering color theory and floral photography to exploring contemporary design trends and the world of Ikebana, this program will bring your creativity to life. You will also put your new knowledge and skills to work in a real life hands-on installation in a location in Madrid.

Don't miss out on this one off crazy edition! 



First contact. Let's get to work!
Introduction to MFS - Exercise with hard-stemmed flowers - Exercise with soft-stemmed flowers

Bouquet: A basic in two versions
Introduction to color theory - Spiral bouquet exercise - Garden Style bouquet exercise - Packaging

A day for Garden Style
Introduction to Constance Spry - Garden Style Centerpiece Exercise

Floral Photography
 Introduction to Floral Photography with Milena Orlandi - Large vase exercise

Ikebana Universe
Introduction to flower types and proportions - Ikebana class with Louise Worner, Sogetsu school

Large-scale Installation
Demonstration of XL format installation - Exercise with chicken wire


Styling and Photography
Introduction to the world of advertising - Art Direction and Photography - Still life design exercise for editorial.

Contemporary Design
How to design for a contemporary space - Influences and designers - Exercise and use of the kenzan

Space decor
Practical exercise in real spaces

Botanical Jewelry
Initiation to botany (plants) - Earrings exercise: technique and design - Necklaces exercise: structure and creation - Preserved flower headband exercise

A day dedicated to creativity
Floor installation - Recreate a nature spot

January 29 to February 9, 2024

Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm

25 hours of hands-on classes
Flowers, materials, and tools

650€ enrollment fee (non-refundable)
Balance: 7 days before the start of the course


Credit Card and PayPal

Create a profile on our website (icon at the top right) and then you will be able to make the payment on the chosen date.

Bank Transfer

Madrid Flower School S.L.
IBAN ES50 0081 1536 4500 0147 1750 · BIC BSABESBB
Send a copy of the deposit to indicating the date and course paid.

7 days before the start of the course

MADRID FLOWER SCHOOL reserves the right to modify or suspend courses for any reason it deems appropriate. In such circumstances, students will be notified one week in advance. Classes are personal and non-transferable. Reservations are non-refundable. To qualify for the MFS Floral Designer Certificate 85% attendance is required.
Floral Business 2024

Cycle 2

Floral Business 2024

Be profitable and take your passion to the next level.

Weddings and Events 2024

Cycle 4

Weddings and Events 2024

Every step you need to know for the perfect wedding.